/ Solutions that target the problem /
/ Profile /
Founded in 2007 by Walter Szczepanski, Helios Remote Sensing Systems, Inc. is headquartered in Rome, NY at the Griffiss Business and Technology Park. The Helios team includes a number of recognized radar, image analysis, and software experts. Since its establishment, Helios has secured numerous highly competitive prime contracts from various Department of Defense agencies and research labs.
/ Advanced Radar and RF Technology, System Analysis, Design & Development /
Major radar & RF systems focus areas include:
- Advanced radar architectures: Monostatic, bistatic & multistatic
- Dismount detection & classification
- Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) and fighter radar systems
- Passive radar applications
- Over-The-Horizon Radar (OTHR) systems
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging
- Radar tomographic imaging
- Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Sense-Through-The-Wall (STTW) radar systems
- Foliage penetration (FOPEN) radar
- Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MIMO) radar systems
- Electronic Support & electronic intelligence (ELINT)
Relevant advanced radar technologies include:
- Diverse waveform transmit and receive processing
- Advanced clutter mitigation signal processing
- MIMO radar signal processing
- Dismount detection & discrimination techniques
- Active and passive operation techniques
- Adaptive interference suppression
- Signal de-interleaving & classification
/ Electronic Support & Electronic Intelligence /
Electronic Support:
- ESM system architectures and processing
- Digital receiver design, development and testing
- Signal detection, parameter measurement, feature extraction, pulse clustering, de-interleaving, mode detection, and emitter identification
- LPI signal detection
- Automatic modulation classification
- Interference mitigation
- Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) / Frequency Difference of Arrival (FDOA) Geolocation
Electronic Intelligence (ELINT):
- System architectures design for processing both radar and communications signals: Design, development, and integration of wide-bandwidth digital receivers for Electronic Support Measures (ESM) systems.
- Development of advanced processing algorithms
- Signal detection in the presence of interference
- Parameter measurement and Specific Feature Extraction
- Radar pulse clustering and de-interleaving
- Emitter mode detection and identification.
- Experienced with wideband signal processing algorithms
- Detection of Low-Probability of Intercept (LPI) signals
- Automated modulation detection and classification
- Geo-location of signals using TDOA/FDOA techniques.
/ Advanced Imagery Exploitation Technology /
Relevant advanced imagery exploitation expertise includes:
- Sensor assessments: optimal loiter orbits, coverage, predicted performance, single and multi-sensor
- Pre-processing: radiometric calibration, registration, atmospheric correction
- Enhancement: contrast, pan-sharpening, derivative bands, leveraging polarimetric SAR
- Target feature extraction: algorithm development and assessment, multi-level approaches, biological-inspired algorithms (e.g., neural networks, genetic algorithms), anomaly detection, robust performance
- Geospatial reasoning: object attribute correlation, multiple discriminants for increased confidence
- Implementation: workflow, automation, distributed processing,
- Supporting a variety of formats, high performance electronic light table (ELT) visualization
/ Digital Signal Processing Design & Development /
Major digital signal processing technologies include:
- Detection enhancement: AMTI / GMTI / SMTI / MIMO...
- Clutter suppression: Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP), ADPCA, Adaptive MTI...
- Electromagnetic Interference Suppression
- Knowledge-Aided radar signal processing
- Spatial-Temporal Differential Analysis (STDA)
- Time-frequency & reassigned time-frequency analysis
- Non-linear signal analysis
- Independent Component Analysis (ICA) & Higher Order Statistical Processing
- Biologically-inspired detection and classification algorithms
- Target discrimination and classification
- Multi-feature extraction & correlation
- ESM & ELINT processing algorithms
- Signal sorting and de-interleaving
- Neural network processing
Other technology competencies include:
- Digital processing implementation (Multi-core CPU/GPGPU)
- Performance analysis, modeling & simulation, and assessment
- Software development
- Program & project management
/ Performance Analysis, Modeling & Simulation, and Assessment /
- Comprehensive and detailed radar, ESM and image exploitation performance analysis
- Radar, ESM and image exploitation system and subsystem modeling & simulation
- Advanced algorithm development
- Integrated signal processing development
- Measured data analysis and exploitation
- Modeling and simulation utilizing high level languages, e.g., MATLAB & JAVA
- High throughput multi-core and GPU signal processing implementation