/ SeaPort-e /
/ Overview /
In 2002, the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) promulgated Seapower 21. It provides a framework to align, organize and integrate the U.S. Navy to meet the wide variety of challenges that lie ahead. The CNO called upon the entire Navy, including Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) and the Warfare Centers (WCs), to find ways to become more efficient and effective.
The NAVSEA enterprise has awarded multiple Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts for a wide range of engineering, technical, and programmatic services and solutions for NAVSEA Warfare Centers, NAVSEA Headquarters, its PEOs, and field activities.
The Seaport Enhanced contract is five year contract to provide professional support services for the Naval Sea Systems Command’s Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUSC), headquarters, and its field activities.
For more information, visit the SeaPort-e official website.
/ Team Members /
Helios Team Members:
/ Points of Contact /
For any information regarding contracts, task orders, or customer satisfaction, please contact the following:
Contractual Point of Contact:
Janine M. Szczepanski
Chief Executive Officer
Helios Remote Sensing Systems, Inc.
Technical Point of Contact:
Walter E. Szczepanski
President & Chief Scientist
Helios Remote Sensing Systems, Inc.
Customer Satisfaction Point of Contact:
Janine M. Szczepanski
Chief Executive Officer
Helios Remote Sensing Systems, Inc.
/ Task Orders /
SeaPort-e Task Orders:
/ Experience /
Helios Remote Sensing Systems, Inc. (Helios) is an established, economically disadvantaged, woman-owned small business performing work in Zones 1 and 2. Helios has offices located in Rome, NY, and has a highly qualified team well matched to the Seaport-e requirements.
The following paragraphs address our qualifications in Zones 1 and 2. We have demonstrated experience in both zones in the following functional areas.
3.1 - Research and Development Support
Helios Remote Sensing Systems, Inc. has significant experience supporting Research and Development efforts, specifically in the development, analysis, and evolution of concepts and the subsequent technologies developed therefrom. Specifically, Helios’ experience spans the following:
Development and application of scientific and analytical disciplines to conduct fundamental research
Helios has conducted fundamental research in the areas of radar and RF systems, Electronic Support Measures, and image exploitation. As an example, under Naval Systems Command contract number N00024-13-P-4513, Helios conducted basic research into the operation of machine learning algorithms as applied to several functional areas of interest. We have made fundamental strides in the application of self-learning algorithms for the detection and classification of low probability of intercept (LPI) signals under the sponsorship of the Naval Sea Systems Command.
Scientific study and experimentation directed toward advancing the state-of-the-art and increasing knowledge and understanding
Helios routinely conducts scientific studies and experimentation in order to advance the state-of-the art and increase knowledge and understanding of specific technologies: radar and RF systems, ESM, and image exploitation. Under the “Exploiting Multipath for Efficient Target Classification” effort, Naval Air Warfare Center AD (LKE) contracts N68335-10-C-0518 and N68335-12-C-0085, we studied and developed innovative methods to improve the efficiency and accuracy of Radar Cross Section (RCS) based target classification by exploiting naturally occurring multipath signals for the AN/APY-9 radar.
Concept formulation
Helios is able to rapidly formulate concepts spanning a broad range of technologies. We typically develop these concepts, thoroughly review them internally, and then review them with our customers. Under a previous SBIR effort out of the Office of Naval Research, Imaging of Objects from RF Radar Returns, contract N00014-08-M-0281, Helios developed concepts and subsequent algorithms that interpret raw high resolution sense-through-the-wall micro-Doppler radar returns of objects of interest, both stationary and non-stationary, and developed visualization methodologies providing virtual renderings of these objects based on parametric information contained in raw image data.
Assessment of system / subsystem requirements
Our structured engineering development process ensures that meaningful assessment by subject matter experts is a normal part of development process. Normally, the requirements are reviewed in detail with our customers for approval before proceeding. For example, Helios developed and assessed the system, subsystem, component requirements and assessed subcontractor proposed conformal antenna manufacturing techniques in our Helmet Mounted Radar System. Helios developed a miniature, low power, 360-degree field of view helmet mounted Moving Target Detection (MTD) radar prototype that alerts the soldier to the whereabouts of moving targets in close proximity. This prototype system is specifically designed to operate in harsh clutter environments such as urban or forested environments.
Development, analysis and evaluation of concepts, technologies, systems and subsystems
Helios develops, analyzes, and evaluates concepts, technologies, systems and subsystems for various applications. This requires a broad range of talents and expertise which are possessed by our team members. The previously discussed examples illustrate our ability develop, analyze, and evaluate concepts, technologies, subsystems, and systems. Under a past effort, Helios Remote Sensing Systems developed and implemented a new, powerful, and robust 2D target discrimination concept and capability in direct support of the Intelligence Community (IC).
Development of operational concepts and tactics with the end goal being the application of results to developing new or improving existing warfighting capabilities
Helios has demonstrated the capability to develop operational concepts and tactics. A very good example of this is the Helmet Mounted Radar System previously discussed. For that effort, Helios developed the operational concept and tactics required to significantly improve local situational awareness for the warfighter and his/her unit.
Manning, operating, and maintaining test support at remote location
Helios has manned, operated and maintained test support at remote locations in the past for various customers. Helios is capable of extending that support to test support craft and experimental vessels in the open ocean or restricted waters to support tests, if called upon.
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
The Helios engineering, system engineering and process engineering support approach consists of: the identification and quantification of goals and objectives, design trades; risk assessments; selection and implementation of the “best” design alternatives; verification that the designs are properly built and integrated in a cost effective manner; and post-implementation assessment of how well the designs meet the goals and objectives. The identification of new methods and fundamental research opportunities to support long-term needs is a natural outcome of our systems engineering focus. The systems engineering approach employed by Helios relies heavily on the use of analysis, modeling & simulation, and demonstrations to validate assumptions and theories on systems and subsystems and interactions within them. Experiments and demonstrations are designed to generate evidence of the benefits and risks in a well defined manner for challenging constraints. Feedback at all stages of development and test are an integral part of the design and development process employed by Helios. The Helmet Mounted Radar System (HMRS) developed by Helios is an excellent example of application of disciplined systems engineering to development of a very complex radar sensor. Helios took loosely defined requirements and refined them with the customer into a set of achievable and measureable requirements. We then performed extensive mathematical analysis, risk analysis and trade-off analysis, modeling and simulation, fabrication and build, software development, prototyping, bench top testing, chamber measurements and outdoor range experimentation. During the 30 month development, customer focus of the radar operation changed from an urban operation to a foliage penetration (FOPEN) focus. Because of our disciplined systems engineering approach, Helios was able to quickly and cost effectively re-focus development to meet the new customer requirements.
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
Helios Remote Sensing Systems utilizes standardized, rigorous, structured methodologies to create and validate physical, mathematical, and logical representation of systems, entities, phenomenon, and processes as a part of disciplined systems engineering process. We routinely use a variety of models to develop data as the basis for making managerial, technical, strategic and tactical decisions. Models employed by Helios include analytic models, emulators, prototypes, simulators, and stimulators, used both statically and dynamically. Various modeling methods are used to solve technical problems including multi-dimensional constraints along with cost functions. Helios’ use of models plays a very important and diverse role in our disciplined systems engineering process. Helios often implements mathematical models using Excel, MATLAB®, Simulink, Java, C, and C++ languages. Our engineers and scientists are proficient in a multitude of additional languages and modeling representations such as those used for efficient implementation across multi-processors, Graphics Processing Units, and special purpose processing platforms such as FPGAs or DSPs. Helios has developed stand-alone mathematical models for each of our product areas: radar, ESM/ELINT, RF systems, and image processing and exploitation. In addition, we routinely use proven/validated models developed by others in our evaluations. As an example, we regularly use the MODTRAN 5 radiative transfer model to simulate the local atmosphere characteristics. Helios has successfully developed and delivered a target detection and classification plug-in model incorporated into Exelis’ ENVI product. This plug-in accomplishes all necessary steps of the classification algorithm, including pixel selection, scene classification, and target detection and extraction.
3.4 - Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
Helios Remote Sensing Systems is well prepared to execute the prototyping, pre-production, model-making, and fabrication support functional area. This functional area encompasses of the building, fabrication, testing, evaluating and operating scale models (both reduced and full-scale), mock- ups, prototypes, pre-production units and research and development (R&D;) test tools of electronic and electro-mechanical systems and system elements. Prototyping also often encompasses the development of software prototypes. The Helios team has a diverse background and experience implementing software systems and prototypes using a wide range of technologies at scales ranging from embedded, low latency, (near) real time systems up to large, enterprise deployments of distributed information systems. Typically, software prototype development parallels hardware prototype development in a logical fashion to ensure that the entire system or subsystem is available for testing appropriately. Recent prototyping, fabrication, and testing of Helios developed equipment includes the Helmet Mounted Radar System (HMRS), Foliage Penetration (FOPEN) Radar, and software prototypes for the Intelligence Community.
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
Helios Remote Sensing Systems is well positioned to provide superior software engineering, development, programming and network support to our customers. Helios employs a well established, standardized software development process in order to allow the software development team to concentrate on the results of development without having to consciously support mundane operations such as ticket management, software builds, and other infrastructure concerns. To this end, the baseline software development environment is implemented in terms of freely available software development applications that all interoperate seamlessly to provide artifact tracking, build management, and software configuration management support for working off development tasks and bug fixes. Helios routinely uses a large group of core development tools for software development. The Helios team has a diverse background and experience implementing systems using a wide range of technologies at scales ranging from embedded, low latency, (near) real time systems up to large, enterprise deployments of distributed information systems, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Technology and Scale Matrix
System Scale | |||
Language/Platform/Technology | Large Scale and Distributed | Desktop/Workstation | Embedded |
Java | X |
X |
X |
C/C++ | X |
X |
X |
Mixed Implementation | X |
X |
X |
GPU | X |
Near Real Time/Low Latency | X |
X |
X |
In addition to a multitude of implementation languages and scales of deployment, these deployments are in many different problem domains. Examples of recent software development activities include:
iSToRE: Helios was an NGL TASER TOA team member, and worked on the first phase of the iSToRE effort (Contract HM157210D0014 DO 0004.) iSToRE is a ‘Product IPL’ replacement – small to mid-sized installations with low rates of product ingest. In addition to providing guidance for implementing the Archive and Dissemination Logical Data Model (A&D; IDM) to the prime, Helios also provided the expertise necessary to connect an Open Geospatial Consortium OGC-based web service implementation of an imagery store to legacy systems using USIGS/CORBA interfaces. The Helios team was also responsible for the iSToRE data migration tool, allowing simple transition from an IPL to iSToRE.
SEEMORE: On SEEMORE, Spatial End-To-End Multiple Object Recognition Engine, Helios integrated a wide-area screening multi- and hyper-spectral classifier with additional morphological feature recognition and geospatial filtering capability into the ExcelisVIS’ electronic light table (ELT) ENVI product.
/ Quality Assurance /
Quality Assurance
Helios Remote Sensing Systems, Inc. provides our customers with innovative technologically-driven products and projects that run smoothly, deliver practical solutions that work for the warfighter, and strive to continually improve our performance. As such, Helios’ prime objective in supporting NAVSEA is delivering quality products and services. In addition to the monitoring of products and processes, proper use of process is extremely important to our team members. Processes include strict adherence to document and development standards, as well as peer reviews. Helios continuously seeks to improve the effectiveness of its business operations. Accordingly, process improvements are perpetually evolved and consistently deployed, taking care to ensure consistency across all zones and task orders.
Primary responsibility for quality falls to the Program Manager and the associated team directly supporting the customer. The Quality Management Team, Contracts staff, Security, Finance, and Accounting provide important support as well:
- Program Manager: Orchestrates, monitors, and evaluates task order execution; monitors and evaluates work in process verifying compliance and approving deliverables, day-to-day changes, and invoices; monitors and attains internal and external resources required to accomplish tasks. Reviews deliverables for quality and consistency before prime submission.
- QA Lead: Reviews deliverables for quality and consistency before prime submission.
- Contract Manager: Coordinates contract requirements with the Government; provides notice of significant and relevant contracting issues and requirements including funding actions, contract modifications, and status of physical progress in relation to costs incurred.
- Finance: Ensures that adequate financial controls and surveillance of contract efforts are in place.
- Accounting: Performs final review and approval of invoices, payments, and audits.
- Facility Security Officer: Manages security requirements, issues and maintains current DD254s.
Helios monitors contract and task order performance through several feedback mechanisms, including periodic PM visits to the customer, routine PM meetings with the NAVSEA points of contact, and monthly contractor status reports. Performance-based evaluation criteria will be applied on each task order’s performance. Technical effectiveness, cost and schedule performance, management effectiveness, and customer satisfaction are the criteria that are used to ensure quality and trigger corrective action or rewards for exemplary performance. Helios has experience in working with numerous federal agencies and is familiar with various standards and publications and will integrate with any additional Navy quality standards that will be implemented throughout the project development lifecycle.
At the onset of each task order, all applicable standards will reviewed and integrated into the Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Helios will establish, mirroring the QAP that NAVSEA has established for the task order. Annual assessments of the task orders, rolled up to the contract level, will provide the performance standards. Our team will work with the Navy to determine the best course of action for collecting and maintaining metrics for each task order issued under the SeaPort-e contract.
Software deliverables are measured against customer standards and Helios software development standards and processes, which are based upon commercial best practices and standards. Helios employs an integrated software tool set to deliver real-time enterprise information.
By conducting both audits (scheduled and unscheduled) and reviews (design, specification, peer, etc), quality issues will be quickly identified and reported to the affected project team members and management. Unfortunately, conflicts and problems do occasionally arise, despite best efforts and practices to eliminate or minimize them. Helios Remote Sensing Systems, Inc. maintains an organizational Problem Resolution Policy to deal with these problems. Our Problem Resolution Policy has the following goals:
- Provide the opportunity to resolve a conflict or complaint quickly, fairly and without reprisal
- Improve communication and awareness between team members, between employees and management, and between team members and outside customers
- Ensure confidence in management decisions by providing a mechanism whereby those decisions can be objectively reviewed and modified, if necessary
- Support a positive work environment by publicizing a plan for preventing and resolving conflicts and complaints and outlining the responsibilities of all employees and management
- Identify internal policies and procedures which need to be modified, clarified, or superseded by newer policies
In addition, Helios Remote Sensing Systems, Inc., as part of an effort’s Program Management process, develops an individually tailored Problem Resolution Plan to help ensure the program’s success. These Program Problem Resolution Plans include the following components:
- Identification of team members responsible for problem triage, resolution, and verification stages of the process
- Methods for identification of problems, current or potential, in the following categories: personnel, project, product, process
- Schedule for regular meetings to discuss and assess problems as they arise
- Prioritization or triage of problems
- Setting timelines for corrective action
- Methods for verification of corrective action
We believe that the policies and procedures put in place by Helios Remote Sensing Systems, Inc. allow us to effectively and quickly handle any problems that arise during contract performance.